Thursday, August 28, 2014

Batesian Mimicry

1. Batesian Mimicry
The picture shows a hover fly. The hoverfly is an example of batesian mimicry. Batesian mimicry is shown when an organism has evolved to mimic another harmful organism. This is used to make predators not want to mess with them. Other examples of this is, viceroy butterfly, milk snakes and king snakes.

Asexual Reproduction

2. Asexual Reproduction

The picture shows a mushroom. This is an example of asexual reproduction. Asexual reproduction is shown when offspring are made without any sex. The mushroom releases spores which then become new mushrooms but are not needing another mushroom in order to produce. Other examples of asexual reproduction are, jellyfish, coral and tapeworm.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014


3. Hydrophilic
The picture shows a root. The root is hydrophilic, meaning that it absorbs or mixes well with water. The root absorbs water for the plant. Hydrophilic substances can be found all over the planet. Examples of hydrophilic "things" are, sponges, sugar, and cloth.

Modified Root of a Plant

4. Modified Root of a Plant


The picture shows ivy. The ivy is showing a modified root. The modified root on the ivy is used to grab on to other plants. Modified roots can be found in plants in water and on land. Other examples can include, poison ivy, sea weed, and mistletoe. 

Tuesday, August 26, 2014


5. Hydrophobic

The picture shows the cuticle layer of a plant. This is an example of a hydrophobic substance. Hydrophobic substances do not mix well with water nor will they absorb water. These substances can be found all over the world. Examples of hydrophobic substances would be sand, wax or oil.

Cuticle Layer of a Plant

6. Cuticle Layer of a Plant

The picture shows a Mandeville plant. This shows a cuticle layer. The cuticle layer is a wax-like substance that is hydrophobic meaning that it does not mix with water. The purpose of this is to keep in the plants moisture. This can be found in plants on land and in water. Other examples would be sea weed, oak tree, and grass.

Monday, August 25, 2014


7. Frond

The picture above shows a frond. A frond is a leaf made up of smaller leaf or divided into smaller parts. These types of plants can be found in water and on land. Other examples would be different species of fern, seaweed, and palm trees.


8. Meristem


The picture above shows a tomato plant. The plant shows an example of meristem. Meristem is when a plant is showing an active spit from the stem. These happen in plants in water and on land. Other examples could be a maple tree, a strawberry plant or seaweed.

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Animal That Has a Segmented Body

9. Animal That Has a Segmented Body
The picture shows a North American Millipede. The North American Millipede is an animal with a segmented body. A segmented body is a repetitive pattern in the structure of the animal. These animals can be found in the water and on land. Other examples of segmented bodies could include, worms, centipedes and leeches. 

Friday, August 22, 2014


10. Heterotrophy
The picture shows a hover fly. The hover fly is an example of heterotrophy. Heterotrophy is an organism that gains its energy from consuming other organisms. These types of organisms can be found on land and water. Other examples of heterotrophic organisms would be, spiders, dogs and cats.

Thursday, August 21, 2014


11. Commensalism
The picture shows a birds nest in a bush. This is an example of commensalism. Commensalism is show when two organisms have a relationship where one organism is benefiting and the other is unaffected. The birds are protected by the bush. This can be seen in water and on land. Other examples of commensalism are, a pet fish and a human, sharks and pilot fish and a flatworm and horseshoe crab.


12. Mutualism
The picture shows a spider in a bush. This is an example of Mutualism. Mutualism is shown when two organisms have a relationship where both benefit but neither are at a loss. The spider is given a place to make it's web and the bush is being protected from bugs. Other examples could be, Bees and flowers, dogs and humans or clownfish and a sea anemone.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014


13. ATP

The picture shows a Mandeville. The Mandeville is an example of an organism that has ATP. ATP is produced by mitochondria which is an organelle in the cells. ATP can be found in all organisms. Other examples of organisms that use ATP are, Tigers, Flies, and Seaweed.


14. Tropism

The picture above shows a Petunia. The Petunia is an example of tropism. Tropism is shown when an organism responds or moves when encountering a stimuli. The Petunia above is moving towards the light in order to better perform photosynthesis. Other examples of this could be a moth going toward a light, rats going away from a light and a human covering it's ears during a loud sound. 

Monday, August 18, 2014


15. Autotroph

The picture above shows a cherry tree. The cherry tree is an example of an autotroph. An autotroph is an organism that makes it's own food. These types of organisms can be found on land and in water. Some examples could be an Oak Tree, seaweed and grass.

Friday, August 15, 2014

Territorial Behavior

16. Territorial Behavior

The picture shows two dogs. Dogs show territorial behavior. Territorial behavior is shown when an animal has a certain area marked as his or hers. Most animals will react in a violent manner when another animal "trespasses" on his or her area. Some other examples of this behavior would be, lions and crocodiles.

Modified Leaf of a Plant

17. Modified Leaf of a Plant

The picture shows a Pine Tree. A pine tree which has pine needles is an example of modified leaves. A modified leaf has a different purpose than a normal leaf. The pine needles shape makes the pine tree more capable of retaining moisture.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Flower Ovary

18. Flower ovary

The picture shows a petunia. The petunia is one of many plants whose flowers have a flower ovary. The flower ovary is the inner-most section of the flower. The ovary is where the seeds are "made". Other examples of flowers that contain a flower ovary would be; rose, tulip and lotus.


19. Detritivore

The picture shows a mushroom or a Fungi. The mushroom or fungi is an example of a detritivore. A detritivore is organism that lives off of other dead, organic materials. Other examples of detritivores are earth worms, bacteria and some beetles. 

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Modified Stem of a Plant

20. Modified Stem of a Plant

The picture shows a rose bush. It shows a modified stem by having thorns. A modified stem is a stem that is different from most other stems. The thorns help the plant from being eaten by animals. This is found on many plants such as a blackberry bush.

Seed Dispersal

21. Seed Dispersal

The picture shows seeds on a dog. This shows seed dispersal. Seed dispersal is when seeds are spread from the original plant by wind, water or by animal. The seeds had small hooks all around them in order to latch on to animals in order to spread.

Friday, August 8, 2014

Adaptation of an Animal

22. Adaptation of an Animal

This pictures shows a dog. The dog shows adaptations of an animal. An adaptation is when an organism changes it's behavior in order to survive. The dog does this by interacting and living with humans. Other organisms that show this trait could be dogs, rodents and cats.

Thursday, August 7, 2014


23. Exoskeleton

(You may need to zoom in on this picture to see the ants.)

This is a picture of an ant. The picture is an example of an exoskeleton. An exoskeleton is an external covering which houses the body or the animal's "guts". The exoskeleton also serves as a support so the body does not fall apart or so the animal is able to move. These types of animals can be found in water and on land, some examples include, crabs, lobster and ants. 

Tuesday, August 5, 2014


24. Parasitism

This picture is of a moth larva. The picture represents parasitism.The larva is showing the characteristic of parasitism by eating the plant without giving anything back. Parasitism is when one organism is getting their food from or at the cost of the "host". Some examples include; ticks, tapeworm and moth larva.

Bilateral Symmetry

25. Bilateral Symmetry

This picture shows a "Brimley's Chorus Frog". The frog represents bilateral symmetry. Bilateral symmetry is when an organism is divided vertically into two halves. Most animals are bilaterally symmetrical. The organism must have sensory organs and limbs mirrored on either side. This characteristic is mainly found in animals but are also found with some leaves, for example, frogs, humans and oak leaves.